productivity self-development

Best way to study(7 Tips that will quickly boost grades)

Do you often feel burned out when studying? Or, do you want to make a good study habit but are failing to make one? Maybe, in this COVID situation, you are confused about how to study online, as there are presentations, PowerPoints, notes, and many more materials to cover.  Or, maybe you simply want to […]

philosophy self-development

Love: So Beautiful but Haunting Feelings of the World

Whatever I thought was there, she thought differently.” –Barney Stinson (How I met your mother) We all want to find love so beautiful, that the heart bleeds. When I was watching this episode (season 7, episode 17) I didn’t actually expect this quote, mainly from a guy like Barney, who is a certified sociopath, but when Barney […]

philosophy self-development

In The World of Fake Friends(Problem Or Not?)

Nowadays when I surf social media I get a lot of statuses about fake friends. My wall gets rumbled by cheesy fake friends quotes. It seems like everyone is becoming selfish, how “real love” or “real friendship” is becoming so rare and most importantly how ‘fake friends’ are becoming our only friends. Now, for me, friendship […]

philosophy self-development

Be happy: Good or Terrible Advice?

Happiness is like finding something that makes everything super easy for life. We all just want to be happy because it seems like people who are always happy, found permanent inner peace. But the problem with happiness is, it doesn’t stay permanent. Table of Content How do you “be happy”? Is “Being Happy” really that simple? Conclusion How do […]


Impress people? No, you should stop that now.

“How to Impress People?“, did you ever search this phrase on the web? Well, if you do, then high 5! I used to do that too. You see, I was a complete people-pleaser. I always wanted to impress people. If someone disliked me, I used to become very upset. In some cases, I even asked […]


How To Deal With Having Low Confidence(3 Things To Remember)

Having low confidence feels like having a weakness in today’s age. In this time of virality, it seems like having low confidence not only destroys opportunities for you but also screams how imperfect and problematic your life is. It’s like confidence is supposed to be a magical potion, that solves all problems of your life. Everyone […]